Customer Stories

Cardiff University
A reliable, cross-platform, presentation and video-conference solution.
The university were searching for a reliable, cross-platform, presentation and video-conference solution in a board room setting.

Fidelity International
New office in Gurgaon, India.
Our customer was frustrated with their existing complex multiple vendor-based systems, that were unreliable and difficult to support over a growing and geographically diverse estate.

ISE 2020
New Products launched for 2020
This may not be an obvious Customer Story as the systems were built for demonstrations, however this event is a great example of how our modular systems can be set up and working in a short amount of time and dismantled even quicker!

ISE Munich HQ
Ashton Bentley divides and conquers
ISE wanted to upgrade their Munich HQ to provide a large meeting space whilst retaining existing rooms. Already a user of Ashton Bentley, ISE turned to us for advice.

ISE Munich
Meeting a growing internal demand for meeting spaces
With an increase in staff numbers combined with a growing internal demand for the meeting spaces, ISE had to review their audio-visual and videoconference systems.